Sunday, August 6, 2017

Peyto Lake and Bow Lake - Alberta Canada

After leaving the Icefield Centre, we return to Lake Louise for one night. After dropping off the RV, we use Lake Louise as our base to explore the southern portion of the Icefield Parkway.

Our day trip includes visits to Bow Lake

... and Peyto Lake.

Anecdote time...

The first time we tried stopping at Peyto lake (on the 5th) it was on our way from the Icefields back to Banff. Since we were moving, we had both the whole Beast/Toad parade going. We tried to pull into the parking lot and quickly discovered there was no room to park, so we headed up the road to the bus and handicap area just so we could turn around. As soon as we got there, we were met by two animated bus drivers, bent on protecting their territory, waving their arms and saying "you can't park here, this is for buses only..." yada yada yada. I put my hand up (sort of in a 'talk to the hand' kind of way) and shook my head, trying to get them to shut up long enough for me to explain to them that, 1) I was just using the parking area to turn around and head back down the hill  and 2) I can't get out of their parking lot until they shut up and get out of my way. I did try to hold my tongue and not be too uncivil, because we have enough "ugly American" going on right now (if you know what I mean).

Okay, back to Sunday 8/6...
We did a short uphill hike to the viewpoint above Peyto lake. The view at Peyto lake was a bit obscured because of the smoke in the area, too bad.

We were treated to some nice wildflowers on our walk back down.


  1. I love the gravel shallows area of Bow Lake. Of course now I would have a much greater appreciation of the meadowland wildflowers - they are georgous.

    1. It's amazing to see wild flowers in the middle of summer. They were everywhere and quite beautiful. It was interesting to how quickly the range of some flowers changed. There were some flowers down the hill that weren't growing at a slightly higher elevation.

  2. It's amazing how clear the waters are. Tank liked them too.
