The Leap

What is this blog about anyway? A.k.a. what is a nice couple like you doing in a situation like this??

This is a new blog from the sometimes fertile, often times feeble minds of Tom and Wendy King, who decided to leave our comfortable bricks and sticks existence in favor of six wheels, and some fiberglass which is at once both a monstrous vehicle and a tiny home at the same time.

So in April of 2017 we set off to...
BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE... OK, wait that's not quite right...
So in April of 2017 we set off to...
NOT SO BOLDLY GO WHERE A NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY BEEN. (yep that's a bit more accurate). We left family, friends and a perfectly serviceable and comfortable stationary home in favor of the aforementioned wheels and fiberglass. Some would say this is craziness and something akin to a parachutist jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. Well maybe that is right, but... GERONIMO!

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