The Look

Nearing Retirement (an idle mind is the devils workshop)

As we were nearing retirement, we started having discussions and the occasional daydreams about what we would and could do with our "golden years". One of the ideas that kept bubbling to the top was travel. Maybe Europe, the South Pacific, Great Britain, Hawaii, Greece, New Zealand... the list goes on and on. As we talked though, we realized we haven't really seen so much of our own beautiful country or at least its been so long ago that it was worth seeing again.

Our 2006 Winnebago Adventurer aka "The Beast"
Thus, the idea of a long term, full time RV trip was born. Our first trip is meant to knock off a few of the biggies on our U.S. and Canada travel bucket list: the Oregon coastline, Olympic National Park, Banff and Lake Louise in Canada, Yellowstone, The Grand Tetons, Mount Rushmore, the New England states in the fall, the Eastern Seaboard... as a partial list.

With respect to weather, the thermometer is our guide. We are to become a migratory pair (trio if you count Tank the dog), As the weather warms we go north, as the weather cools we go south... pretty simple.

In regard to timing... with the exception of a few firm dates: Yellowstone in August and New England in the fall (for the fall colors) and back to California for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we plan to get there when we get there. If we like it somewhere, we'll likely stay a little longer, when the spirit moves us, we'll move on.

All of this then went in to shaping our "rough draft" which brings us to the following very general timeline as follows:
April - California
May  - Oregon
June  - Washington
July  - Canada
August - Montana
September - New England
October - working south along the Eastern Seaboard
November - Westward Ho
December - California
January ...


  1. Where are you guys now? We are currently in San Diego. If you are here, would love to catch up with you.

    1. Hi Janet! How are you? We'd love to catch up, but we're hunkered down in Oregon getting ready to ride out the Arctic blast. Wish we were in San Diego right now! What are you guys doing in San Diego?
