Wednesday, May 3, 2017

June Lake - Oh! Ridge Campgrounds

After our visit to Manzanar, we stopped at the June Lake Loop for the night. We had intended to stay at the Pine Cliff Resort, but they weren't answering their phone, and when we arrived (sans reservations), there was not a soul to be found. Unbeknownst to us, this would be a very fortuitous event.

It was getting late, so what to do? Luckily for us, Tom had done his research (again!), and knew that the Oh! Ridge Campgrounds was just across the road. We took a list of the open campsites and went on a search for our home for the evening. After bypassing some great sites, site 36 was it!

The view from the back of our campsite
It was still very early in the season, so the campgrounds were not packed. We also had a wonderful view of June Lake, a crystal clear swimming lake.

Tank was only able to enjoy the lake for one day before we headed off to our next home.


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