Friday, May 26, 2017

Crescent City - Village Camper Inn

Village Camper Inn campsite
Finding a place to stay for the Memorial Day weekend was not an easy task. Most parks (National and State) are booked well in advance. Fortunately, we found the Village Camper Inn RV Park in Crescent City. After the shadows of coastal redwoods at Jedediah Smith, the Village Camper Inn had a quaint, garden-like setting and an open feeling. (I think the fact that it was not crowded really helped.) Although the park had permanent and long-term residents, we were situated in a loop that appeared to house those of us who were just passing through.

Out on the Crescent City Bay Jetty
Wendy was happy with the stay. She has this thing about laundry facilities and was especially happy to be able to do some wash before heading into the next (laundry-less) State park phase of our trip. Tom, however, was disappointed that the RV park pickleball courts were not scheduled to be opened until June, and the published, Crescent City open pickleball play never materialized.

Time in Crescent City included a trip to the Battery Point Lighthouse. The lighthouse is located on an outcropping that is accessible by foot during low-tide, but when the tide comes in, it becomes an island. Tours of the lighthouse are offered on some days during low-tide. Unfortunately for us, the tours stopped early the day we were there due to an early high-tide.

Battery Point Lighthouse

Battery Point Lighthouse island
While we were visiting the lighthouse gift shop, the host told us about the other lighthouse in the area, the St. George Reef Lighthouse.
St. George Reef Lighthouse is the speck on the horizon
It is in a particularly treacherous location about 6 miles offshore and was abandoned in 1975 because of the dangers of maintaining it by ship. However, the host noted that efforts to restore the lighthouse were underway and there were plans to begin helicopter tours upon completion. This piqued my curiosity, so during our drive around the town, when we came across the road to the outlook, we had to go "see" it (wish I had brought my binoculars).

The final event for the day was to have the freshly caught and cooked crab we bought at the dock for dinner. Yum...(to be continued)

1 comment:

  1. Hewell Houser did a show on St George Light House many years ago - really interesting.
    When my mom and step-dad were "snow birds" but came back to Crescent City to handle business, etc, they stayed at that campground - they had others living at their house.
