Friday, April 14, 2017

Los Angeles - Dockweiler RV Park

A drive of about 120 miles Southeast, (from El Capitan State Beach) down 101 and then on 405 South, lands us smack into the JAWS OF THE DEVIL, otherwise known as Los Angeles traffic.

If you have never had the pleasure of driving in Los Angeles area traffic... well join the crowd! Before this writing, nobody in the history of the world has EVER even put "L.A. traffic" and "pleasure" in the same sentence. You can look that up, but it says it right HERE, and it's now on the internet, so it must be true. That said, driving a 33' RV and towing a 16' car behind it does have its redeeming qualities (well at least one redeeming quality) and that is 'engendering a little caution/fear/respect' in the other drivers. I mean think about it... when you are about to pull up along side one of these rigs, you KNOW it's being driven by some grumpy old codger with thick glasses and hearing aides that would be happy to nudge your vehicle over a lane or two. So when I decide to change lanes, most people give me a little space. I say "most" because some don't seem to understand physics and think blinkers are just a challenge. Okay, enough of that.

We finally arrive at Dockweiler RV Park, with only a little extra paint on "the Beast" donated by the aforementioned folks that didn't pay attention in school (I'm kidding, try as I might I didn't pick off any). Now that I say that, I wonder if there is a market for some little car decals, that can be stuck on the side of an RV to signify your triumphant sorties into hostile lands? Again, I digress.

Dockweiler RV park is in Playa Del Rey whose name, I believe, translates to: Thunder of the Jet! A realtor selling property there might euphemistically characterize it as being "located conveniently close to a major transportation hub." I would, however, recommend it to the following folks:

  • Those on the far side of the threshold of 'hard of hearing' and medically classified as deaf
  • Anyone who finds the sound of jets with engines at full throttle and the accompanying vibration, soothing
  • The CEOs' of Boeing or McDonnel Douglas who only "hear" dollars and stock profits
  • Anybody picking someone up at LAX, who wants to tell them to, "just grab your bags and walk on over."
Okay, I exaggerate... a LITTLE. The sun still set; the sand was still warm; the waves still rolled up on the beach. There was a nice long paved walking/biking path that ran for miles. Still, quiet and serene it wasn't.

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