Monday, April 3, 2017

First Stop - New Brighton State Beach Capitola CA

After several weeks of cramming all of our worldly possessions into The Beast (our RV), storage, or Goodwill, our house was empty, and our nerves were frazzled... How is it that we can be retired and still feel like we need a vacation?! The saying goes "Even the longest journey starts with the first step". Our first step was New Brighton State Beach in Capitola CA. It was a good place to start. It was a relatively short drive from Sacramento, easy to get to, roomy spots, lots of green and fresh air. Although next time we go we would probably try to snag one of the premium spots, which backed up to a bluff with a direct view of the ocean.
The Beast and The Toad

This was Tank's first experience with the ocean, and he took to it like... well like a Lab to water!

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