Friday, May 18, 2018

Coloma Resort

We're headed northward, a little closer to family in Sacramento. We spend the weekend at the Coloma Resort on the South Fork of the American River. Coloma is the area where James Marshall discovered gold in 1848 which started the gold rush. During the school year, Coloma Resort is an educational camping facility that caters to schools, but on weekends, it is open to all for camping.

The campsites will soon be filled, and there will be families with young children and dogs all around. But for a little while, things are quiet, and we are able to wander and take pictures.

Tom recognizes some rapids (called Troublemaker rapids) and realizes that we are just downstream from where he went whitewater rafting a number of years ago with some friends when he worked at Hewlett Packard. 
Troublemaker rapids in the background
On Saturday, we're close enough to Sacramento for Tom's sister and brother-in-law join us for dinner. It gives them a chance to get away from Sacramento and us a chance to relax and enjoy their company. 

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