Thursday, September 14, 2017

Chambers Lake Campground - Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests, Colorado

As we head into Colorado, our original plan was to head south towards Denver and visit the east side of the Rocky Mountain National Park along the way. Discovering that all the campgrounds around Estes Park (on the east side of the park) are either closed or totally booked, we, instead, head to the, less easily accessed, west side of the park. Considering that this is a 220 mile trip through the mountains, we need to find a campground somewhere along the route.

We pass several campgrounds along the way. Fortunately, Labor Day has passed, so the campgrounds are not packed to the gills. The first stop is at Canyonside. The on-paper appeal is electricity to run everything. Unfortunately, the in-person appeal isn't there. Next stop, Aspen Glen. Beautiful aspens everywhere...and a drive through so tight, we almost lose the Subaru! Onward again! Too bad Chambers Lake is so far off the highway...dirt/gravel road...too narrow...Hey! Wait! the turn-off is paved! Let's take a look!

After circling the campground, we find a site high on a hill (as if being at 9,200 ft isn't high enough!) with a view of the lake.

It was getting pretty chilly, so Wendy set about building a nice, warm fire. The next morning we got our first dusting of Colorado snow.

While we are here, we get our first view of the aspens as they turned for the fall.


  1. Kinda neat to have a campfire to warm by. And waking up to some snow must have been pretty neat as well.

    1. We actually woke up to hail, but it had turned to snow by the time I took Tank out for his morning walk. The snow was pretty neat. It didn't really stick on the ground, but we'd see more later...
