Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Ilwaco WA - Cape Disappointment State Park

It’s time to head back to the coast, but this time, finally, into Washington to Cape Disappointment State Park in Ilwaco. So we head east towards Astoria to cross the mouth of the Columbia River on the Astoria-Megler Bridge.

Cape Disappointment is not a disappointment. Like many of the beaches we’ve been to on the Northwest coast, the beach is beautiful, sandy and expansive and the mosquitoes are voracious. While there, attended an interpretive presentation on waves and tides.

Another day, we hiked up Cape Disappointment Trail where there are salmon berries to try and mosquitoes to swat along the way. At the end of the climb is the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse and fantastic views of the jetties and Waikiki Beach.

Before we left the area, we headed north to explore the Long Beach area. We'd seen snippets of the beach on some of the House Hunters TV shows and wanted to check out the area. The town of Long Beach does have a very beachy feel and is very touristy. I thought So Cal; Tom thought New England.

It was a new experience for me to actually be in a car driving on the beach.

I thought we'd get stuck for sure!


  1. I'm glad you guys made it to Cape Disappointment and Long Beach. Two more stops we did back when. I remember a feeling at Long Beach that if a big wave came, the entire thing would be under water. We returned via the Astoria bridge. I remember coming down, rather steeply, from a high section of the bridge to a stoplight at the bottom of the hill. And on the other side of the intersection was something of a cliff face. =:O

  2. I remember that intersection. We went thru it going north. There was another one just like it that I remember slowing Waaaay down early and getting on my brakes way early just because I was going to have to stop pretty much on a big down hill - who designs those things???

  3. It was like riding a roller coaster!
