Sunday, January 5, 2020

Half Moon Bay & Pinnacles National Park

We're headed for a quick trip to the coast before Wendy needs to head back to care for her mom. One of our favorite places has always been Half Moon Bay, so we're headed there. However, we're trying a new park this time. We have reservations for two days at Half Moon Bay State Beach.

Our arrival time is a little early, so we have to wait at the entrance. The entrance sits on a bluff overlooking the ocean; however, the campsites are actually down at beach level. We're on the inside of the loop, but we can still get a glimpse of the ocean from where we are.

We initially planned on staying 2 nights but found out there was a beach side site available for one night, so we jumped at the chance to stay another night. The beach side site had a trail at the back that went through the dunes to a spot overlooking the beach. Such a great spot; glad we stayed!

Tom in his happy place

Spectacular sunsets too

From Half Moon Bay, we're working our way southeast to see Pinnacles National Park. Our next stop is Moss Landing, which is between Santa Cruz and Monterey. Home base will be the KOA, which is walking distance to Moss Landing Harbor entrance. The harbor offered a little bit of otter watching, and the Salinas River State Beach.

The night before we're scheduled to head to Pinnacles, Wendy gets a family emergency call, and she heads back home. This means Tom and Tank will be bachelors again and have a boys only trip to Pinnacles.

We had a long hike and Tank was pretty tuckered out once we got home.