Thursday, April 12, 2018

Ocean Cove Campground - Jenner CA

One of Tom and Tank's favorite getaways was Ocean Cove Campground on the Pacific Coast Hwy (Hwy 1) about 16 miles north of Jenner.

Our younger son Andrew told us about this spot and suggested we might want to come over and join him (and his fishing/kayaking buddies) at the campground. I took a look at this campground and quickly decided this was somewhere that I would love to spend time. So I made plans to do so. Meanwhile Andrew and his buddies changed plans in favor of calmer seas and lighter winds down in Monterey. No matter, Tank and I were going anyway.

The Pacific coast Highway had got to be one of the most picturesque roads on earth. However its a challenging drive in a sports car, much less a large motorhome. If you have a fear of heights, this might not be the place for you. The occasional steep drops to the ocean far below are sure to get your heart pumping. I take my time, use pullouts to let faster traffic pass and drive at a safe (almost relaxed) pace. Once you get there it's always worth it.

View of our site on a bluff from part way across the bay
The campground is first come, first served so Tank and I headed over there on Thursday in order to increase our chances and getting a good spot. The facts that it was midweek and early in the season, combined with a forecast of upcoming inclement weather, meant there were a number of great spots available. I lucked out and got what I think is probably the best spot in the campground. It was out on a point on a bluff with the open ocean in front of me and the cove on my side, wow!
Tank was relatively patient being photographed, but was much happier playing chase games and digging in the sand.
I have always loved the ocean and can spend endless hours happily watching the surf. So this place was ideal for me. I fully realize the whole "waves crashing on rocks" thing is a cliche, but it makes me happy to watch it and I can't help but photograph it.

On the second night, the winds picked up and a thunderstorm came in, BOY DID IT COME IN! It was about two in the morning and the thunder was DIRECTLY overhead. I found myself inching away from the walls, thinking about how I was probably the highest thing around and wondering how lightning resistant the Beast really was. Just about then I remembered a young couple who came in earlier that day and set up a tent in the site next to mine. I looked out the window and noticed flash lights and silhouetted bodies heading quickly to their car. I spoke to them the next day and they said they spent the rest of the night in the car!

Rock Point Beach Just North of Bodega Bay

Somehow this area can be beautiful, peaceful, serene and stimulating all at the same time.