
Trip Maps

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Carlsbad Caverns, NM

We have one more planned stop in New Mexico before we turn for home, and that is Carlsbad Caverns National Park. We head that way via Roswell, NM and spend a couple of nights at the Red Barn RV Park.

It's just on the outskirts of town with unknown potential for seeing any aliens...
aliens, smaliens, just another hoax if you ask me!
From there, we land at White City RV Park, which is just a gravel parking lot on the entrance road into Carlsbad. The weather is finally starting to turn a little rainy, so maybe it's a good thing we will be underground tomorrow!

When you get to Carlsbad Caverns, there are 2 ways to enter the caverns. One is to take an elevator 75 floors down to the Big Room, or you can walk down into the caverns through the natural entrance. From the natural entrance, it is a 1.25 mile hike down into the caverns. We didn't want to miss anything, so we took the natural entrance.

What appear to be wires are actually handrails of the trail switchbacks down below.

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