
Trip Maps

Sunday, March 17, 2019

San Diego

We've made it to San Diego. Each time we've been here we've stayed in a different place. This visit, our home base will be the San Diego Metro KOA in Chula Vista. It's a little farther away from Matthew's place, but we're still searching for the perfect campgrounds for our visits here. Not having planned ahead, we opt for a KOA since it's a known commodity.

Now my experiences with KOAs are that they are a good basic stopover type of place. Nothing fancy but usually safe and clean. There have only been a few KOAs that have exceeded that expectation. This one in Chula Vista is one of them. I was very surprised how green, spacious and well-kept it was.

Matthew stopped by not long after we arrived, and there was the usual greeting from Tank. (Tank loves his brothers, and if he could have been in Matthew's lap, he would have been!)

Unfortunately, most of our time in San Diego was during the work week, so our time with Matthew was limited. He did invite us over for dinner one night and made a wonderful meal for us.

During our stay, we went on a "Wendy" adventure. While looking at Google Maps, Wendy had discovered a "Japanese" store, Kyoto Gifts & Food, not far from the KOA. Of course she wanted to go and check it out, so ignoring the darkening skies and rising breeze, we set out on the half mile walk to the store.

Wendy purchased her treasures, and we headed back to the campground. It was just starting to rain was she left the store, but by the time we reached the edge of the shopping center, it was POURING!!! As we watched (under cover) for half an hour, sheets of water cascaded out of the sky, and thunder and lightening accentuated the storm. The accumulated water was rushing down the hill and pooling in the street... 

But it did pass, and we splashed through the puddles in a hurry to get back to the RV before the storm started up again!

One additional tale of woe for Wendy as documented below. Her attention was diverted while she was taking Tank out for his nightly walk. He took that opportunity to charge a mystery object in the dark. (We'd heard a skunk had been seen in the area). Maybe he was trying to protect her--although based on past experience, this is probably not the case... Keeping in mind that Tank weighs 110 lbs...hoping those fingers are just sprained and not dislocated or broken...

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