
Trip Maps

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Desert Gold RV Resort - Salome, AZ

The Sunday after Thanksgiving we pick up Matthew and say our goodbyes. One of the three of us had to be back to work Monday morning... [spoiler alert, it wasn't Wendy or Tom]. After driving back to San Diego and dropping Matthew off at his apartment, we opt for a hotel room and a real bed (instead of an air mattress) in San Diego for the night. 

The next day, we head back to Yuma, AZ to pick up our RV and spend Monday night back at Del Pueblo RV Resort (where we stayed the week before). 

Our plan is to head back towards the mountain area of central AZ and spend several weeks there before heading back to Northern CA for Christmas. We stop for a couple of days at the Desert Gold RV Park in Salome - just east of Quartzsite, before heading on. Quartzsite has a reputation for being an RV mecca of sorts. Annually, in late January between 750,000 to One million (mostly RV'ers) descend on the little town (population ~3600) for the Sports, Vacation and RV show. Think Woodstock... without music (mostly), but with old folks (mostly). Come to think of it, since Woodstock happened 50 years ago, its a fair bet that a good number of folks that attend MAY HAVE also attended Woodstock!

We've been told it is quite an experience, but I think we will opt out this time.

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