
Trip Maps

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort

Well, we have finally made it out of California on our way to southwest Utah. From Carpinteria, we skirted along the top of the L.A area and then took Hwy 15, which will take us northeast from Victorville, CA thru Las Vegas and then to southwest Utah. These are new adventures for me as I've never been to Las Vegas before. The Oasis, a little ways south of the main Las Vegas strip, is a huge RV park.

Our stay in Vegas was very short, so we did not venture into the main strip except for a quick drive through. I took many, many horrible, uneven pictures during that drive that I will not bother to post here. What I will post are pictures of my amazing breakfast, Andy's World Famous Sage Fried Chicken Benedict. from Hash House A Go Go. (I forced Tom to take me for breakfast after Cora's Facebook post.)

It was huge and delicious. I also recommend their mochas! I could have drunk a couple of these!

 If you are wondering... your eyes are not deceiving you, the mug is indeed leaning. Furthermore the subject "photobombing" in the background was not bored, but patiently (more or less) waiting for his food.

The outing was worthwhile of Tom. He saw a camera shop on the way back to the RV and got to try out a couple of tripods...not exactly what he wanted, but at least now he has narrowed down the field.

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