Monday, September 3, 2018

Grass Valley, CA

After spending some time in the Sacramento area taking care of doctor appointments, various car and RV repairs, and dropping Wendy off in Stockton to spend some time with her mom, Tank and I head up to Grass Valley for some family time.

We have reservations at Nevada County Fairgrounds and RV park. It's actually a nice little RV park. It's surrounded by tall trees and has a small lake right next to it. Tank really is a bird dog and was more than ready to jump in and go play with the ducks.

The main reason for heading to Grass Valley is to have a chance to spend some time with my sister, Cathy, and her boyfriend, Dave. Cathy had recently broken her right leg. She hasn't been able to drive and was going somewhat stir crazy at home. 

I'd say that I had a captive audience for all my travel stories and pictures, but, instead, she took advantage of my visit by putting me to work chauffeuring her all (and I do mean ALL) around the Grass Valley/ Nevada City area. I think our lifestyle has inspired her as she and Dave had recently purchased a retro travel trailer. She's been busy (as a gimp can be) getting it ready for their initial voyage. As a reward for my service, Cathy and I had a nice Mexican food lunch one day, and Cathy and Dave made a wonderful dinner another night. It was really fun to have the chance to visit with both of them.

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