
Trip Maps

Monday, July 9, 2018

Back in Boise

Well, we're headed back to Boise and not even time for breakfast this morning. Bummer! We stop at a Flying J for gas, and surprise! They have a fully manned Cinnabun inside! Didn't know they had a berry cinnamon roll. Well, things are looking up. :)

It's been very tight living in the rv without the space the slides provide, so very much looking forward to having the slides and jacks fixed.

The day before we take the RV in, we choose the closest RV park to the repair facility we can find, Mountain View. Space at Mountain View is a very tight, and its sandwiched between the freeway and the airport, but it's clean and the manager is super nice. The other benefit is that it's close to the Mount Everest Momo Cafe where we go for dinner.

We have the Mixed Momo, which is two vegetable, two chicken, two pork and two yak momos (steamed dumplings). I think the yak is my favorite. Then we have Lamb Chau Chau, which is Tibetian style noodles pan fried with lamb and vegetables, and chicken tikka masala, which is roasted boneless chicken breast sauteed in light tomato and onion sauce with cashews. Boy, was it good!

The next day is RV repair day, and we're excited. It's been awhile since the jacks and slides have worked. While the work is being done, we have nowhere to go because we have Tank. It's supposed to be hovering around 100 degrees, so we can't leave Tank in the car for any period of time.

Boise and surrounding cities have done a great job creating a very well conceived green belt with a number of parks, bike/pedestrian paths, and the Boise river running thru it. We decide to head to Anne Morrison Park which is right in downtown Boise and a short distance from Boise State. We find some big shade trees and a great spot on the water for Tank to take a dip and cool off.

The next stop will be Hi Valley RV Park in Eagle, ID, a suburb of northern Boise. When we pick up the RV, yay, we have working jacks! However, the hydraulics won't switch from the jacks to the slides, so the slides are not working. This is going to require ordering another part and waiting for it to come in. On the plus side, Hi Valley has electricity to run our air conditioning as temperatures head towards triple digits, and their WIFI is very good.

The part arrives and after another day in the park; this time at Julia Davis Park, we are ready to head out. BUT NO, the jacks are still retracting too slowly, so we arrange to leave the rv at the repair shop overnight to see if they can recreate the problem. One nice thing, is that we have a hotel room for this fix, so we don't have to sit outside waiting for it to get done. Yay! Air conditioning!

The repair shop can see the problem, and there's a potential fix, but it's not critical. During all these visits, Tom has also identified where the leak under the sink and in the storage is coming from, so we are finally able to get that leak fixed! So we're as functional as we're going to get, and we're finally ready to head on to our next location!

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