
Trip Maps

Monday, June 4, 2018

Collier Memorial State Park OR

We move just up the road from Waterwheel RV park to Collier Memorial State park. It's nicely treed with Aspen, Lodgepole and Ponderosa Pine. The campground has full hookups, so we have almost all the amenities of home, but in a beautiful country setting. Not exactly the pioneer lifestyle, but it will have to do :~).

The campground sits at the fork of the Williamson river and one of its tributaries, Spring Creek. The Spring Creek headwaters are only about 2 miles upstream at an artesian spring. I don't believe I've ever seen any waters more clear than these!

We head out for a walk along a local trail that parallels the Williamson river and then follows Spring Creek upstream.

On Tuesday we kayaked Spring Creek.

We paddled upstream to the headwaters and saw the fresh artesian water bubbling up from below the streambed. I have never had a chance to see something like that before.

At the Headwaters
We had a great time out on the water, but as the punchline of the "I just flew in from..." joke goes... and boy are our arms tired!

On Wednesday, Wendy took a recuperation day while Tom and Tank finally took Wendy up on her suggestion to "TAKE A HIKE!" We headed upstream, this time on the Williamson river, where Tank got to go for a refreshing swim, or two or three...

We also found ample evidence of the existence of some busy beavers nearby, although we didn't spot the beavers themselves.

Tomorrow we head to Crater Lake.

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