
Trip Maps

Monday, May 14, 2018

Marking Time in the Flatlands

The best laid plans of mice and men...

Our grand scheme of traveling the country... and maybe someday the world...was always predicated on the belief that 'family always comes first'. So our idea of leaving Northern California for 'adventures beyond' in early 2018 gave way. Instead, we began 2018 with Wendy spending a good deal of time in Stockton helping her mom, who is dealing with some health and age related issues. This left Tom with some time to do "other" things (sometimes productive, other times not so much).

During this time, Tom worked on "the Beast" and had it smogged and registered, upgraded the satellite dish, replaced the stereo/CD player, had the carpets cleaned, and drove to Oregon to have the suspension system beefed up for better handling.

Once again, we relied on the kindness of Tom's sister, Vicki, and brother-in-Law, Brad, who allowed us (probably against their better judgement) to park 'The Beast' and spend large swaths of time at 'El Rancho de la Familia'.

Using Sacramento and Stockton as a base of operations, Tom and Tank left Wendy with her mom in Stockton to go off gallivanting around California, returning every so often to check in before taking off again for other short adventures. Those adventures included:

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