Sunday, May 20, 2018

Grass Valley - Alta Sierra for a family thang...

We're back in the Sacramento again. This time we're looking forward to a King sibling get together for a house warming and to celebrate a couple of birthdays. After a short drive down the hill, we deposit Tank and the Beast at the Cal Expo RV park then head off to the Grass Valley area. It's a pretty drive through Auburn then the winding streets in Alta Sierra to find Cathy and Dave's new house. (Thank goodness for Google Maps though!)

Brad and Dave

Vicki, Brad, and Olivia

Tom, Vicki, Cathy, Olivia, and Dave

Cathy and Dave have a charming house with an extraordinarily steep driveway. Cathy is training for a triathlon and has just gotten a new bike, but she has yet to tackle her very steep driveway. Tom is, of course, up to the challenge to show her how...

We have a tasty dinner, relaxing drinks, and a great time celebrating birthdays and catching up with everyone. Thank you Cathy and Dave for opening your home to us.

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