
Trip Maps

Friday, August 11, 2017

Glacier National Park - Montana U.S.A.

We're back in the USA! We've crossed the border into Montana. That US border agent wasn't as nice as the Canadian agent. He wasn't much concerned about Tank, but he did confiscate the lovely lemon we just bought. Maybe he was making lemonade later...

We have three days before our reservations at Yellowstone, and what stands between us and Yellowstone? OK, OK, it's 500 miles and there's lots of stuff between here and there, but I'm referring to Glacier National Park. So let's go to Glacier! A little late in the game, so we find a place outside the west entrance, North American RV park.

It's a pretty standard RV park, but it's close to the start of the Going-to-the-Sun Road, which is where we'll be heading tomorrow.

The Going-to-the-Sun Road transverses Glacier from east to west (or for us, west to east) and peaks at Logan Pass. We get off to a leisurely start and see what should be stunning views, but because of the smoke from the wild fires, the views are obscured by haze.

Heavens Peek

Our late start and the stops along the way also mean we hit the Logan Pass Visitors Center around noon, and we are turned away from the parking lot because it is full, full, full. So onward to the east side of the park...disappointingly, the views just keep getting smokier. Man, what a bummer this drive has become... In St. Mary, we have lunch and contemplate taking the highway back home.  But, it's shorter and quicker to return the way we came.

We get back to Logan Pass around 3:00. Now, we can at least get into the parking lot. We still have to wait to find an open spot, but we're here! We unload Tank, walk up to the visitors center, and are reminded that we are back in the USA. Unlike Canada, dogs are not allowed on the trails.

So, while Tom waits with Tank, Wendy pops across the road to see if there are any mountain goats or big horn sheep in the meadow near the Highline trail.

The meadows are beautiful, but no wild life.

Highline Trail meadow

Then Wendy heads up what looks like a shot walk to a lake, the Hidden Lake trail. It's a nice wooden boardwalk with vibrant, flowering meadows all around. There are also steps, lots of steps...The lake should be just at the top of the stairs...OK, the top of the next set of stairs...OK, the next set. Tom would make fun of me if I stop just short of the top...wait, there are people waaayyy the heck up there! That's gotta be over a mile away, and Tom and Tank are waiting...

Hidden Lake Trail meadow

This is how far Wendy's hiked

This is just a portion of the way still to go (see the tiny specks of people at the very top of the hill?)
Feeling sorry for Tank on the ride back home, we stop along the river to let him play in the water. The river, like all the rivers we've seen in the national parks, is cool, clear and sparkling.

As we are heading back up the bank to the car, Tom spots a black bear emerging from the woods.


  1. Hey cool! A new place to take Andrew! Bear, meet Andrew. Andrew, ... hey, where's Andrew? Heehee.

  2. I hear there's a fire in Glacier now that's burning along the Going-to-the-Sun Road, not far from where we spotted the bear. Sooo thankful we were fortunate enough to see the sights we did, smoke or no.
