
Trip Maps

Monday, July 17, 2017

West Vancouver BC Canada - Capilano RV Park

After leaving Whidbey Island, we finally make it across the border into Canada!!!

We ate or threw out all our fresh fruits and vegetables and made sure to eat all the eggs we had so we would be allowed to cross the border. We get there, and all they asked was if we had guns! Should have kept the fruits and veggies!

We timed our arrival in Vancouver with the start of rush hour, and to make sure we got the full effect of traffic, we booked our stay in West Vancouver at Capilano RV Park. Capilano is large - by that we mean they cram a LARGE number of RV's in a small space, sort of a microcosm of downtown Vancouver. The pads on each site are barely wide enough to get your RV on, and our particular site had a good 8’ tall sign board (with an overhanging piece) on the left side to make it particularly challenging to get in.

On the plus side, Capilano is walking distance to the Park Royal shopping center, so we head off to have our first dinner in Canada. We walk over to Park Royal and enter through one of the larger department stores. On our search for the food, we realize that all the stores are closed! Finally, we run into a nice security guard, who shows us how to get out, unlocks the doors to let us out, and recommends a couple of the restaurants up the street. We finally end up at the Village Taphouse and have a delicious celebratory dinner.

The next day, we picked up banh mi at DD MAU. I wanted to try DD MAU because they had been featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives TV show. Tom was daring and had their classic banh mi, which contained a steamed pork loaf and head cheese. I just went with BBQ pork. We then took our sandwiches and went to sit at the waterfront by the Museum of Vancouver.  

After a couple of days of being on top of our neighbors and driving in Vancouver traffic, Tom and I are ready to move on. The plan is to start heading towards Banff National park with the first stop, a first come first served park in Langley, B.C. With these types of campgrounds, we will keep our fingers crossed and hope we get a site!


  1. Congratulations on making it to Canada! Sounds like the campground was a bit of a dude though - too bad.

    1. Capilano wasn't our first choice, but Vancouver is a pretty popular place, and we were thankful just to find a place. Despite the cramped quarters, Capilano was a pretty convenient location.
