
Trip Maps

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Orangevale CA - El Rancho de La Familia

Tue May 9th, we head back down the hill from Lake Tahoe to the greater Sacramento area, A.K.A. our old stomping grounds... where it all began... the scene of the crime... where the 'kin' folk live...

We had the gumption (that's what some 'kin' folk have) of inviting ourselves over to Tom's sister Vicki and brother-in-law Brad's spread (El Rancho de La Familia), and they had the bad judgement to 'lau it' (another kin folk thing).

"El Rancho" is a great piece of property in Orangevale, which sits at the end of a narrow road, and a tight 90 degree turn. Getting the beast in without taking out the neighbors mailbox or the iron gate took eight pairs of eyes, lots of waving of hands and arms, occasional yelling, a couple of quick prayers, and some ever so slight 'trimming' of a few branches. When all was said and done, the beast was on the inside looking out, and we all could have used a Valium or a stiff drink... maybe both.

Vicki and Brad were wonderful hosts. We had multiple meals together, did a few chores to earn our keep, and spent more than a little time under the shade making small talk. We had a great time with them.

We used the time in Sacramento visit other members of family (more on that later), made some minor repairs to the RV and the 'Toad' (the Subaru that is towed behind the RV), buy additional supplies, go to our storage unit and pick up some things, and get some laundry done.

Taking time to see family, we had a chance to have a very fun dinner out at a great little Thai restaurant with Tom's other sister Cathy and her boyfriend Dave. Wendy was also able make it down to Stockton to have dinner with her mother.

Last but not least, we had several chances to visit with our son Andrew, who went all out and made a wonderful home cooked meal of gyoza on Mother's Day. That same evening, he was also magnanimous enough to set up his dad with a fishing rod and enough tackle to fish the Bering Sea for several years. It was certainly gracious for Andrew to set up his dear old dad, but truth be told, it didn't make a dent in his 'inventory'... the kid has more fishing poles than Bass Pro Shop!

All in all, it was a great time back in Sacramento. My only regret was that I didn't have time to look up some of my old golf or pickelball buddies and get in a little playing time.

After about a week, it was time to leave Sacramento and continue on our journey north.

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