Monday, April 24, 2017

Temecula - Pala RV Resort

From San Diego we started our journey back northward along I-15 about 50 miles to Pala RV Resort just south of Temecula.

We are here for two reasons: 1) It is on the way towards Hwy 395 and our planned drive up the back side (east side) of the Sierras and 2) It was rated #1 RV resort by Motorhome magazine (yes I read Motorhome magazine).  It also happens to be part of an Indian casino, but we aren't much in the way of gamblers, (really), so that didn't really enter into the equation. It does have the benefit of having about five different restaurants in the casino, so we have been over there several times for dinner and hunting for desserts.

The resort is top notch, so we have extended our stay here for a couple of days before continuing on. We have admittedly been very lazy during out stay here. Our days have consisted of: sleeping in, (that is until Tank insist that one of us take him for a walk), drinking coffee, putting up our awning, sitting underneath said awning, staring at the surrounding hillsides, pondering what we want to make for dinner, taking down aforementioned awning as the afternoon winds come up, blogging, fixing day/night RV blinds (that's an experience you shouldn't miss!), having an afternoon shower, going over to the casino for dinner - after our dinner planning never got anywhere, having an evening jacuzzi, and drinking a glass (maybe two) of wine. So you can see our schedule is pretty hectic, and you are probably wondering if we can keep this frenzied pace up. I, for one, think I need a nap...

To be continued...


  1. I know your headed north. You might do a little preplanning for Oregon/Washington, especially along the coast during the eclipse in August.

    1. Thanks Jim, good point. We were looking (a couple of months ago) at reservations in the Tetons for August, that is until they told me they were already booked up. But we haven't gotten anything booked yet in Oregon/Washington. Thanks for the reminder.
