Thursday, August 10, 2017

Veterans Memorial Campground - Pincher Creek, Alberta Canada

We are now headed south back to the States. Our next destination is Glacier National Park in Montana. Its a bit more than a 6 hour drive from Banff, so we decide to split the drive up into two days.
Tank is in stalking mode at a roadside rest stop
We make one more stop about 70 miles north of the US border in the little town of Pincher Creek. The Veterans Memorial Campground is a small city owned campground in a residential neighborhood. It looks like it should have been made into a small city park. Not long after we get there, the camp host comes by to warn us that bears have been sighted along the creek, probably feeding in an apple orchard not far from us. (No, we did not see any bears while we were there.)

The major reason for including Pincher Creek is for one of Tom's ponders regarding the hay bales we passed on the drive there. Tom complains that I'm not very good at pondering, so I will leave it to you all to ponder with him...

The ponder is this: What is the superior way to bale hay or alfalfa - round or square?

While traveling through British Columbia and Alberta, we passed field after field of round bales... not a square one to be seen. Here in the states you see almost nothing but square (rectangular) ones. One method has to be superior to the other... WHICH ONE? I of course will expect some good solid reasoning behind your answer!

1 comment:

  1. I vote for square. The round ones roll away too easily. The real answer is, of course, it depends.

    Very nice pictures of Tank and the wide open fields. I showed Vicki and said "See. That's what I mean by wide open spaces. That's how I grew up.". She nodded her head approvingly.
